Best Estates in Kisumu: The best places to live according residents in 2023

8 min read
Nyakwar Leo
Nyakwar Leo Editor @ Kisumu.Place
Best Estates in Kisumu: The best places to live according residents in 2023

Are you in Kisumu for a year or a month?

Are you flying solo or have a family?

Should I go for a standard apartment, serviced apartment, villa or room rentals?

Once I pick a house, which kind of lease should I choose? Fixed-term or month-to-month?

By the end of this article, you should have an answer to all these questions.

Getting a place to live in Kisumu can be stressful and tiresome, especially if you don't know where to start from.

Factors like budget, the reason for the visit, duration, and means of transport will significantly impact where you can stay in Kisumu.

That said, where are the best places to live in Kisumu?

The following places are the best estates to live in Kisumu in terms of security, orderliness, access to amenities, peace and serenity:

In the next section, I summarise each of these estates, when and why you should consider them, the type of residential available, the security, the rent ranges and other costs.

After you have picked the estate that best suits you, the next step is house hunting. I have also highlighted some things you should avoid when house hunting in Kisumu.

Milimani Estate

It is one of the posh estates in Kisumu, with stand-alone gated homes and a few apartment buildings.

Located just a walk away from the Central Business District, Milimani is ideal for short-term and long-term stays.

For short-term- stays of less than three months, Milimani is the best bet because of the many houses listed on websites like Airbnb and

For long-term stays, though usually available, locating vacant houses can be hell. You are better off using a local agent who knows the area.

Security is good because it is near government buildings like the State House Kisumu and the governor's office. Most dignitaries also prefer to live in the area. Consequently, there are more police patrols.

The rents usually range from KES 30,000 to KES 200,000, depending on available facilities.

Riat Hills Estate

Riat Hills Estate is another posh estate in Kisumu on the city's outskirts.

It stretches from Kisumu Airport, the area around Kisumu-Kisian Highway and up the hills to Kisumu-Kakamega Highway ending at Kiboswa.

The area is mainly occupied by gated palatial Mansionate/Villas and stand-alone homes.

The area is suitable for long-term renters with personal means of transport, preferably a vehicle.

Be sure to check if there is a water source. There are parts of Riat where the KIWASCO piped water is unavailable.

If piped or drilled/borehole water is unavailable, you’ll have to buy water, which is an added cost.

The vacant houses are not easy to trace, so hire a local agent who knows the area well.

The security is good but make sure the landlord has hired a security guard and CCTV installed just to be sure. Also, ascertain from the onset who pays the security firm. You don't want unplanned additional costs.

The rents are very diverse, from KES 20,000 for the few apartments in the area to close to KES 300,000 for the posh homes with smiling pools and gyms.

Many good short-term hotels are also available in the Riat Hills estate.


The area has a mix of affluent Mansionate/Villa homes and storey apartment buildings.

The area around Makuti and the stretch along Mamboleo- Muhoroni road have some of Kisumu's modern apartments. Ideal for families who want fine but affordable houses for short or long-term stays.

The upper side of Mamboleo around Wigot gardens and towards Riat Hills Estate is mainly made of gated standalone villas and maisonettes. These are ideal for well-to-do renters with families who want to be in the city for six months or more.

The rents are favourable, from KES 6000 for a bedsitter or one bedroom to around KES 100,000 for the gated homes.

The security depends on the location but is averagely good. Make sure the place you plan on renting has a security guard.

Public transport is easily accessible and cheap for the lower parts of Mamboleo along the Mamboleo-Muhoroni road but for the upper sections of Mamboleo towards Riat Hills, it is better if you have your car.

Kiboswa-Daraja Mbili, Kisian-Maseno and Kisian-Kombewa

The area is ideal if you want cheap but good rentals.

The area is mainly occupied by ancestral homes and a few scattered modern houses that are hard to find but equally affordable for the lucky few who manage to get them.

The breathtaking views, fresh unpolluted air, and green vegetation are treasures. A perfect place to live if you don’t mind the distance.

The good thing is that you don’t need beefed security; the neighbours are amicable and helpful. It has a village vibe with the upside of being only an hour from town.

KES 20,000 can afford you a neat two or three-bedroom house with a garden for farming.

It is ideal for a person with a personal means of transport as using public transport can be a hassle.

There are a few gems like White Hill Villa for short-term rentals, complete with a swimming pool and a personal chef.

Lolwe Estate

Lolwe is a middle-income estate with lots of high-rise apartments.

It is about 5km from the CBD and has a vibrant public transport - Mathree.

This is an ideal estate for bachelors/spinsters and young families.

The estate has ample parking space and good security.

The rent ranges from KES 10,000 to KES 50,000.

Reception is an issue in some parts of the estate because of the ever-growing highrise buildings. Be sure to test the network reception before moving into the apartments.

Polyview Estate

Polyview is another middle-income estate with affordable houses and good security.

It is about 3km from Kisumu’s CBD.

The rent ranges from KES 10,000 to KES 30,000, and most buildings are high-rise apartments.

The high number of students because of the nearby Kisumu polytechnic is something to keep in mind when considering renting in the area.

The most accessible means of transport to the estate is Pikipiki(motorcycle), private means or walking.

Tom Mboya Estate

Though the neighbourhood is fast changing from the yesteryears bungalows to residential flats, the uptown estate is still one of the best places to live in Kisumu.

The rent ranges from KES 15,000 to KES 30,000.

The security is also good because of the regular police patrols by the neighbouring Obunga and Kondele police stations.

Dunga-Impala Park stretch.

The tarmacking of the Imapal park Dunga road has dramatically improved the phase of the area and given investors confidence to invest in the area.

Modern apartments, beach houses and mansions are available in the area. They are worth checking out if you want to live near the beach.

Best suited for people with cars as there is no public transport plying that route.

Special Mentions

Mountainview Estate, Migosi and Nyamasaria.

What mistakes do people make when house hunting?

Here are mistakes you should avoid while house hunting in Kisumu:

Failing to stick to a budget.

Before you start house hunting, sit down and come up with a budget range for the rent you are willing to pay.

It will save you from visiting and inspecting homes you can't afford.

Start with houses on the lower end of your budget to make sure you explore all the options.

A budget will also help you avoid committing to a lease/rent that eats all your money.

Don’t be the person that lives in a good house but can’t afford other basic needs.

Not Shopping Around

Don’t be too quick to commit to a house before checking all the options.

Failure to shop around means you are leaving excellent houses with equally good offers on the table.

Organise at least ten house visits before you make a decision.

Failing to do a Physical Inspection

Yes, the pictures and videos of the house might look sleek but have you conducted a physical inspection?

Don’t judge a book by its cover. The exterior might look awesome while disaster awaits you on the inside.

House visiting also helps you draw a pro and con table, which is crucial when narrowing down your list.

Are you able to afford an expert inspector? Even better, hire one and let them do the heavy lifting for you.

They will discover critical things you’d otherwise ignore until it is too late, like leaking roofs and moulds.

Not Negotiating

Once you have identified a house and got an offer from the owner/management, give a counteroffer and see if they bulge.

Don't believe the lie that rent is non-negotiable. Everything is negotiable; you just have to do it right.

Use the issues you identify to negotiate a better price.

Get an offer from a neighbouring house priced lower and use it as leverage.

Negotiate to pay 3 to 6 months' rent in advance for a reduction in rent. You will be surprised how effective these can be.

Not hiring an agent

Hiring an agent will save you from the troubles of finding and negotiating a house on your own.

Finding vacant homes in Kisumu can be a nightmare without eyes on the ground.

Property agents always have a list of vacant properties plus local domain knowledge of where and where not to rent.

They can also save you a few shillings as the landlords tend to give them better rent deals.

Failing to sign a lease agreement

If you plan to stay in Kisumu for more than three months, sign a lease agreement before paying rent.

A lease protects both the property owner and you, the tenant.

What services are covered by the rent? Do you still pay for KIWASCO(piped) water? How about garbage collection?

Ensure the terms for vacating, rent payment and maintenance are correctly spelt out in the agreement. You can hire a property lawyer if the legalise is too much for you.

Many tenants have received unannounced vacate notices just because the landlord got a better deal. They have no option but to leave because of failing to sign a lease agreement.

You are compromising too much.

Do you have a family?

Then why do you commit to a bedsitter just because the price is right?

Where will the children sleep?

Are you planning to stay in Kisumu for three months?

Why are you signing a six months lease?

Don’t be desperate. You will find another place.

Do you want to stay in a safe neighbourhood?

Avoid renting in an insecure area unless you want to be a soft target.

You will be raided weekly. A test run for thieves.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to build a house in Kenya?

Building costs vary greatly depending on factors such as the cost of materials in the area, labour costs, the type of house e.t.c

That said, for a simple two-bedroomed house, you’d need between 2M-5M shillings, depending on the type of finishing.

Where do the rich live in Kisumu?

The rich live in Milimani, Riat Hills, parts of Mamboleo and the city's outskirts like Kombewa, Ahero, Kiboswa and Sondu.